This is horrifying (& proves the value of strong reporting): Instagram’s algorithms helped a vast pedophile network…— 1 year 9 months ago via@theofrancis
Another remarkable piece on Epstein by Khadeeja Safdar & Emily Glazer: Bill Gates had an affair with a Russian brid…— 1 year 9 months ago via@theofrancis
Most S&P 500 CEOs finished the year with less pay than initially awarded; Elon Musk’s $10 billion hole. The WSJ CEO…— 1 year 9 months ago via@theofrancis
Some entrepreneurs are scrutinizing their banking relationships and moving their funds. smart piece by WSJ’s Ruth S…— 1 year 11 months ago via@theofrancis
Just a PSA that at The Wall Street Journal we draw a clear line between news and opinion. The separation between th…— 1 year 12 months ago via@theofrancis
By Friday evening, the heads of the world's 20 biggest economies -- from the US to South Africa, encompassing 85 percent of global economic activity -- will have dined, met, lunched, met again, and made their pronouncements.
If history is any judge, there may not be much in the way of immediate or lasting results.
Despite the rhetoric of the past 18 months, few in the nation's capital really believed the Beltway lobbyist would disappear overnight just because a new President vowed to change business-as-usual in Washington and Congress heightened scrutiny. Yes, lobbyists now must heed stringent new disclosure rules; the gift-giving and golf outings have largely vanished.