I currently write primarily about U.S. corporations, including a range of corporate governance, executive pay, accounting and disclosure issues, for The Wall Street Journal. I have also written for Quartz, The New York Times' DealBook, and for footnoted, a blog and subscription service for professional investors. In 2012 I launched and ran an independent research company, Disclosure Matters (more detail here, or see the company website) and taught introductory reporting and news writing at the University of Maryland. During July and early August 2012, I blogged about business and the global economy for NPR's Planet Money.
My goal with this site is to bring together the various threads of my professional life, including current jobs, past work and future projects. You can see some of my work from over the years featured below. To the right, and at the TheoWire link, is a sporadically updated feed of all my new work, both from this site and (previously) from outside publications.
At the left are links to various current and past projects, each of which includes a variety of recent and featured articles and blog posts.
Let me know if you’d like to be on the list of people to whom I periodically email articles. For more on me and my past work, you can also see my resume, or my about me page.
Ms. Galvin's Insurer Studies
Psychotherapist's Notes;
A Dispute Over the Rules
Complaint Tally Hits 23,896
As Nursing Homes Shift Focus To Short-Term Rehab Care, Families Must Look Elsewhere
Panhandle Marsupial Event Is Vital Campaign Stop; Jeb Bush Was a Regular