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Ford Motor

Ford CEO Mulally's $317 million haul

Ford CEO Alan Mulally has accumulated $317 million in Ford shares in just over six years at the company.
Original publication date: 
Thursday, March 7, 2013 - 17:56


Alan Mulally has been very good for Ford Motor Co. And in return, Ford has been very, very good for Mulally.

In just over six years, the Ford CEO has amassed holdings valued at more than $300 million.

Companies Cash In on Tax Breaks From Employee Retirement Plans

Original publication date: 
Thursday, January 31, 2002 - 00:00


Rosel Patton, a 49-year-old switch engineer in Marlboro, Mass., doesn't realize it, but when she saves for retirement by contributing to her 401(k), she's also helping her company save money.

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