This is horrifying (& proves the value of strong reporting): Instagram’s algorithms helped a vast pedophile network…— 1 year 9 months ago via@theofrancis
Another remarkable piece on Epstein by Khadeeja Safdar & Emily Glazer: Bill Gates had an affair with a Russian brid…— 1 year 9 months ago via@theofrancis
Most S&P 500 CEOs finished the year with less pay than initially awarded; Elon Musk’s $10 billion hole. The WSJ CEO…— 1 year 9 months ago via@theofrancis
Some entrepreneurs are scrutinizing their banking relationships and moving their funds. smart piece by WSJ’s Ruth S…— 1 year 11 months ago via@theofrancis
Just a PSA that at The Wall Street Journal we draw a clear line between news and opinion. The separation between th…— 1 year 12 months ago via@theofrancis
A financial obfuscation of the dot-com era is making a comeback: Hundreds of U.S. companies are trumpeting adjusted net income, adjusted sales and “adjusted Ebitda.”
Buried deep in American companies’ securities filings is an indicator for how aggressively they are working to shield their income from the Internal Revenue Service and other tax authorities.
US social-gaming company Zynga hasn’t just given its new chief executive a pay package worth as much as $100 million over five years. It has also structured the package in a way that could encourage him to try to sell the company sooner rather than later.
Forget majority rules. In US-style corporate elections, it’s rarely so simple.
Investors can complain as loudly and clearly as they like, but corporate boards are often free to ignore them, with few or no immediate consequences. That’s true whether the protest involves ousting a board member or changing how the company does business.
Think of yesterday afternoon as a triple witching hour of US corporate disclosure: The final minutes of the final day for many big companies to file their latest quarterly reports—and a Friday afternoon, on top of that.
One measure of how seriously the corporate world has taken rising tensions with North Korea: Companies are talking about it a lot more in their regulatory filings.
Dodged the flu this year? A lot of people have, and some companies aren’t too happy about it.
The CDC’s FluView map shows that this year’s influenza season has been a slow-starter. While the flu has picked up in recent weeks, sporadic reports of flu were the most common on the agency’s flu map during in December.