This is horrifying (& proves the value of strong reporting): Instagram’s algorithms helped a vast pedophile network…— 1 year 9 months ago via@theofrancis
Another remarkable piece on Epstein by Khadeeja Safdar & Emily Glazer: Bill Gates had an affair with a Russian brid…— 1 year 9 months ago via@theofrancis
Most S&P 500 CEOs finished the year with less pay than initially awarded; Elon Musk’s $10 billion hole. The WSJ CEO…— 1 year 10 months ago via@theofrancis
Some entrepreneurs are scrutinizing their banking relationships and moving their funds. smart piece by WSJ’s Ruth S…— 1 year 11 months ago via@theofrancis
Just a PSA that at The Wall Street Journal we draw a clear line between news and opinion. The separation between th…— 2 years 1 day ago via@theofrancis
The final tax bill offers much of what large companies hoped to gain from the Republican overhaul: the billboard corporate rate was knocked down, cuts were accelerated and key credits were preserved.
Technology, banking and other industries mounted a new round of lobbying Monday to save a wide range of tax breaks following the last-minute switch in the federal tax overhaul by the U.S. Senate.
OMAHA, Neb.—In the parking lot outside Elliott Equipment Co.’s manufacturing plant here last month, more than a hundred employees gathered in front of a banner-bedecked truck, its raised boom flying an American flag 30 feet overhead, to hear from the company’s chief executive and the local congressman.