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A Year in Southeast Alaska

How I ended up in a fishing village & what I did there

The beginning
As my four-month Politics & Journalism Internship with the Chicago Tribune in Washington, D.C., drew to a close, I knew I'd have to find a job somewhere. I wanted to stay in journalism, and I had to face the facts: The New York Times and the Times of London weren't exactly breaking down my door.

I'd have to start small.

Braving the Big Apple

How I went up the river, spent the night with drowsy docs, and got through grad school without breaking any bones

Back when I first decided to take the job in Alaska, my fellow interns joked that I would run into a bear, get lost in a snowstorm and be chased by wolves. Some, congratulating me, couldn't entirely mask a doubtful note in their voice; others said it outright: "Why would you want to go there?"

Eighteen months later, some of my Alaskan friends were similarly puzzled. "New York City?" they said when I told them I hoped to attend Columbia University's graduate journalism program. "Why would you want to go there? It's dangerous."

Possums Are Playing Upside-Down Role In Florida Elections

Panhandle Marsupial Event Is Vital Campaign Stop; Jeb Bush Was a Regular
Original publication date: 
Friday, August 11, 2006 - 00:00

WAUSAU, Fla. -- Katherine Harris, the Florida congresswoman, U.S. Senate candidate and controversial former secretary of state, dangled a live possum by its tail. Other candidates waited their turns.

"Keep shaking!" auctioneer David Corbin admonished the candidates. "Don't let it crawl up your arm and bite!"

About me

I’m a Washington-based reporter with more than a decade of experience digging into complex financial, regulatory, legal and public-policy issues and explaining them to general audiences, mostly while at major national news organizations.

Camp Wandawega

in Elkhorn, Wisconsin, last night and this morning.


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